Step 1. Find out what kind of job you want.
The first step in getting a job IRL is knowing what you want. This is the same as everything in life. You can't get what you want if you don't know what exactly it is that you want. Are you looking for a part time job or a full time job? A job you will only have for a few months or a job you need for longer? These are questions you need to ask yourself before starting any kind of process to applying since these questions can drastically change what your outcome is going to be.
Step 2. Determine how far away your job can physically be from where you live.
Many people begin applying to jobs online and have no idea where the job they are applying for is! To many companies this can completely ruin your chances of getting hired. Numerous times I have gotten calls from job offers and one of the first things they ask is "Do you know where we are located?" However, this is not the part you are really worried about. Most people who are applying to jobs think "How far away can I possibly travel to get to work without it being impossible" but the real question is "How far will I be willing to travel every single day I have to go into work?". A large number of people end up quitting jobs or being fired from them because they either find out that they don't want to travel to work or that they keep being late to work due to the travel time or distance. Make sure to find a place around you that you are comfortable working at. Remember, if you get a job in a bad neighborhood then weigh the pros and cons. If you're more likely to be robbed then you are to getting a raise or a day off, you should probably change jobs.
Step 3. Gather a list.
This step is commonly skipped by 99% of people applying to new jobs and if done correctly it can completely change the difficulty of job hunting. Once you have an idea on the type of job you want and the distance away from your home it can be you can start searching. Gather together a list of places through multiple sites online (Links can be found in the description if needed) that fit your criteria for a job but remember to not get yourself excited about a job until it is 100% sure you will get it. I have had many times where I was the best candidate for the job until the person they interviewed after me was better and it HURTS, but you cant get caught up. Once you have a list of jobs you can apply for that is satisfactory enough for yourself (recommended 10-20 jobs) you can move onto the next step. Remember to put a lot of thought into these jobs, they can shape the person you become in the future!
Step 4. Apply!
When applying to jobs using either physical or virtual applications you MUST remember to be completely honest. 99% of employers state that if the application has anything untruthful in it they will completely ignore it and not even consider you. This even stands if you only lied about small things like your hobbies, or living place so remember to be as truthful as possible. Another tip for applying to these jobs is to remember that they don't need to know what they don't ask for! If they don't specifically ask you what your favorite hockey team is then don't tell them. The less information you provide that can be seen as controversial the better. Remember these people reading the applications are LOOKING for a reason to move on to the next one to get it over with. A good rule of thumb is to remember that you don't need to supply your Social Security Number when applying to jobs. They can no legally force you to provide it, nor can they invalidate your application if you do not provide it. Once you are officially hired however, if they ask for your SSN you should probably give it to them so you can get paid.
Step 5. Interview!
Lots of people get scared and nervous when going into an interview, but its important to remember the most important thing. If they are asking you for an interview they are interested in hiring you so be yourself and remember to take a deep breath before entering the room so you can gather your thoughts. The first interview you will have will probably be scary and very nerve racking. This is completely normal and there is nothing wrong it being scared about it. It's extremely important to remember that you are the person they want to hire, and you are the best for the position. As long as you believe that and show them, so will they. It's much easier to believe someone who thinks that they are telling the truth, versus someone who knows they are lying.
Extra Tips & Tricks!
Tip #1. Try to find a job that suits you. It's easier to motivate yourself to do something you want to do, then to do something you hate.
Tip #3. Pay attention to details! Remember, if someone is looking to hire there is a reason. Keep in mind the reasons you would quit a job. Make sure that the job you are getting would be a good place for you and not be your "new old job".
Thanks for reading! If you found this helpful please follow the blog posts and keep updated on the latest articles! Every person's opinion matters! Except you right there in the red shirt, yours doesn't, I am sorry.
~Amour Desir
Hope this reaches the person who requested it!
ReplyDeleteGood luck on your Job Hunting!